Simple Message Mover
The Simple Message Mover (SMM) is designed to move immunization messages to a state or local Immunization Information System (IIS). SMM acts as an adaptor to systems that are capable of creating HL7 messages and saving them to a local folder but are unable to transmit the data directly to the IIS. The SMM is simply responsible for moving the messages to the IIS and return the response back to the local system.
To accomplish this, SMM supports many different transport protocols, including:
- HTTPS Post: Legacy IIS transport standard, still used by many IIS.
- TLEP: A SOAP or Web Services method standardized and adopted by IIS community.
- Other SOAP or Web Services methods: Many states implement non-standard interfaces.
Work continues to add native support in SMM for as many IIS as possible.
System Architecture
The Simple Message Mover is designed to work within a Java Servlet container, such as Apache Tomcat. The diagram below shows the system integration for the Indian Health Service (IHS) patient management system RPMS and how the SMM connects the RPMS immunization module (BYIM) to the State/Local Immunization Information System. Several important concepts are described in this diagram:
- The SMM operates from within Tomcat and depends on it.
- Tomcat requires installation of Java. Tomcat and Java can be installed on all common operating systems, including Windows, AIX and Mac.
- Along with SMM other helpful applications could be installed. The diagram shows other applications IHS is looking to co-deploy with SMM.
- The SMM can be configured to connect to a remote Central Support Center to report back connectivity status and transfer statistics.

Development Status
The SMM is currently under active development and improvement. The next versions will add support for the following features:
- Complete support for Reciprocal Batch Update processing.
- Support for connecting to additional IIS.